Massive land in Rwanda at risk of erosion

Massive land in Rwanda at risk of erosion
Massive land in Rwanda at risk of erosion

Rwanda Water Board (RWB) has expressed worries over the soil’s susceptibility to erosion on a massive scale, where it’s expected that over a million hectares could be at risk of soil erosion in different parts of the country. 

This was highlighted by Pamela Ruzigana in charge of protecting water quality and deterring soil erosion at Rwanda Water Board this week.

She revealed it in the campaign to ensure water quality which is based on the research carried out for the purpose of ascertaining the surface area that could be vulnerable to soil erosion in Rwanda.  

Apparently, Rwanda is endowed with nine water bodies which comprise Kivu, Rusizi, Mukungwa, Upper Nyabarongo, Lower Nyabarongo, Akanyaru, Upper Akagera, Lower Akagera and Muvumba. 

The Official pointed out that studies are currently being conducted through different projects with the objectives of preventing soil erosion and ensuring water quality of the water bodies. 

“There is a study on the health status of the people living in the vicinity of the water bodies, as well as the activities carried out, the problems and the opportunities attributed to the water body,” she said.

“Whenever we consider methods of preventing erosion, we consider different ways, because water quality which is used I agriculture sector, industries and others.”  She added.

Among the highly susceptible places to soil erosion is River Sebeya in Western Province through Rubavu, Nyabihu, Rutsiro and Ngororero districts where a project is ready to meet the challenges it pauses.

The Project mainly focuses on terracing where more than 4,500 hectares have been terraced, planting forests and trees which are mixable with crops. 

So far, two dams have been built at River Sebeya, distribution of water tanks as water catchment and teaching the citizens to practice environmentally friendly.

To date, committees responsible for protecting water bodies have been formed in places where studies to protect water bodies, have been completed under the guidance of a ministerial order.

A special study on the prevention of soil erosion shows that there is 1,080,168 ha of land in Rwanda which needs to be terraced.