Env ministry lists mining as leading environmental degrader  

Env ministry lists mining as leading environmental degrader  
sand mining in Nyabihu District, Western Province

Survey carried out las week 14 mining companies found culprits Some companies were found operating without requirements

Rwanda’s Environment ministry REMA has listed mining, industrial activities and construction sectors as leading environmental degradation factors.

The survey conducted between 8-14 August 2022 shows that Kamonyi, Muhanga, Gakenke, Ngororero districts and Kigali City are the hotspots of environmental degradation.

According to the survey, the leading culprits include five mining companies, five for clay and four for sand in Kamonyi, Muhanga, Gakenke and Ngororero districts.

The report revealed that the mining companies cause soil erosion and pollute rivers and swamps especially by leaving unburied holes after mining. 

The law punishes environmental degradation mining with Rwf3 million.

REMA also found some mining companies operating illegally without operation requirements including licences and Environment Impact Assessment (IEA).

Meanwhile, the inspection found six industries that had no appropriate disposal for industrial residues and polluted water.

REMA pointed out that other acts which degrade the environment include plastic waste at the garbage collection centre at the hill Mont Kigali.