Nyagatare: over 10,000 households electrified in one year

Nyagatare: over 10,000 households electrified in one year
Karushuga Milk Collection Centre in Nyagatare District is one of the 16 electrified facilities/ Photo Kigali Today

Rwanda Energy Group (REG) head at Nyagatare Branch, Benoit Niyonkuru says that over 10000 households were electrified during the fiscal year 2021/2022 in the Nyagatare District in Eastern Province.

The boost has brought the electrification level in Nyagatare District to 77 per cent mainly from the national grid and solar where the former accounts for 46 per.

He said, “Works pertaining to accessing Nyagatare residents are in a full swing, and the essential requirements are already available.

“During the last two years, the number was at 47 per cent. Apparently, households with electricity in Nyagatare District surpass 77 per cent and this will continue until we register 100 per cent.” Niyonkuru told reporters last week.

There are about 6000 households that remain unelectrified in this rural district that borders neighbouring Uganda.

Nyagatare Vice Mayor in charge of economic development, Gonzaga Matsiko commented that “All the 20 Health centres and all 16 milk collection centres in the district have accessed electricity”

Matsiko said that over 160 schools in Nyagatare District have electricity adding that their goal is to electrify all the schools by June 2023.

Edward Ndamiye the accountant at Rwabiharamba farmers’ cooperative in Karangazi Sector said they used to spend dearly on diesel for a generator before they were connected to the national grid.

“We would spend almost Rwf2 million to buy diesel to run the generator but now, we spend about Rwf500000 on a monthly basis. There is a big profit increase.” Ndamiye said.

The Government of Rwanda wants all Rwandans to be having electricity by 2024.